Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Went to an AAU tourney in Shelley (outside of Idaho Falls) over the weekend. Very nice weather on early Friday evening and then over night thought it would try to snow. Then Saturday it decided that trying was not good enough and let it dump. We drove thru a real winter blizzard coming home on Saturday evening. Pocatello had about 3 to 4 inches in 12 hours. YUCK! It is the middle of March NO MORE SNOW! But, we made it home, thought we were going to have to stay in poky over night but it finally started clearing up. these are the mountains between Poky and Burley. Love the clouds
This is Ty's AAU basketball team after the last game on Saturday. They won 3 of 4 games. Lost the first game only by 3. First game jitters I think. Ty fouled out of first game, 1st time in over 3 years. He was not happy. But, he played great! Love to watch my kids do what they love. And Ty most definitely loves sports!


Michelle said...

I can't believe all the snow! I love the shot of Ty in the parking lot with his uniform. His expression says it all. So glad that you could go and support him!

John and Liz said...

what a fun activity. Dad and I ENVY those wonderful times watching our boys and their sports. What a great memory & we just wish we were there but we WILL BE in the years to come. You'll be embarrassed of our shouting! Love you all so much - mom and dad

Familia Forsloff said...

Wow you have snow..and here I am complaining about gloomy skies..i better suck it up! We would have loved to be at Ty's basketball game...then again Lanes track record at sports events isnt that good!