Monday, March 10, 2008

Sean is 41 today! WOW! where does the time go! I can't believe that I have known this guy for almost 20 years! Didn't want to do anything this year. Had a big SURPRISE party last year for the big 4 0. But, he asked me please nothing, I think he is hoping that if he ignores it it will NOT happen! Sorry! I do love you more today than I thought ever possible. Happy Birthday Honey!


Familia Forsloff said...

Happy birthday biggest bro!!! Hope that you had an absolutely wonderful day. We miss all of you guys so very much but are so happy to be able to check the blog for updates. Love you bro!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday, Sean! We hope your day was great. We also love checking up on the blog to keep up with what you all are doing. Robyn, what a sweet thing to say. The two of you are such a great couple!

John and Liz said...

again handsome son - I'm soooo sorry and feel bad you didn't even get the card on your b-day. Let's see - I had spaghetti the night before, pains, cramping - hospital at 2 am. - pains, pains - finally at 3:17 pm - yay.... Sean Michael, at 10 lb 1 oz. Loved you then - love you sooooooo much now. Mama