Wednesday, September 3, 2008

here is our little Zoey!

Toshia and Justin surprised us by going over to the house that we were moving out of and cleaning, Jessi was riding her bike past the house and saw them. they told her not to tell us...she told us. We really apprieciated them helping us, it was a really great thing! Ty has been practicing everyday after school. it looks like he is going to have a good year. Thursday is the first game of the season. against his old school mates in Wendell, I know he will be looking to have a good game. When he was in the 7th grade, Ty was the running back and middle linebacker for the 7th AND 8th grade team.


Michelle said...

Don't you have the greatest kids? I love it that Toshia surprised you, and Jessi just knew that she really needed to tell! I hope that Ty's game goes well. I remember Liz saying that Lane had to do the same when he moved from North Bend to Medford. It must be so strange to play against former teammates! Zoey is sure a cutie :) I love these pictures!

John and Liz said...

love seeing the pictures. The kitchen looks lovely. Hope you enjoy the new home. Lots of love and prayers - home Ty does well and enjoys playing. How about a picture of the 'ailing' daddy after his surgery? Love you - mama