Thursday, February 14, 2008

Will have pics next week of Kortie in Mexico! She has onlly been gone for 2 days and I miss her so much. Don't know what I will do if she moves out after graduation. Ty is kicking butt in Basketball 3 games this week, 2 Twin Falls teams and a Minico team. ALL WINS! Still trying to decide weather to wrestle or play basketball next year, he loves them both. And the coaches love him, getting it from both sides. Jessi is done with basketball, but she is in a cheer group and gymnastics and loving it. I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Charish the times when they are small!


Michelle said...

How fun for Kort to go to Mexico! It's wonderful to get out and see the world, especially when you're young without lots of responsibilities. It'll be a cultural eye-opener. We're looking forward to seeing the pictures. I bet you do miss her terribly! Ali spent the night over at Lane and Erin's on Wednesday, and I had to call in the morning cause I missed her so much.

John and Liz said...

Kortnie is gorgeous - what a beauty, and a good girl too, boyfriend looks totally nice so I approve. SNOW..... like I can't believe over here at the coast - rain and sun, no snow and I miss it! Love you all & yes, they grow up WAY TO QUICK - Grandma Liz