Looks like another b-ball game and nachos for dinner! This is our last week of school ball and then we travel on the weekends for AAU basketball. 1st tourney is in Idaho Falls on the 14th and 15th of March. Ty is also going to do track this year and his wrestling coach is trying to get him to do a free style wrestling that would also be at the same time. He is not sure if he wants to or not, completely up to him, we are just here for support and rides! Who am I kidding Sean is Ty's biggest Fan! I am just the mom who helps him remember shoes, extra clothes, deorderant, hydration and when and where to be. That's why professionals athletes thank their moms! DADs are the Fans - MOMs are the roadies!
Yummy nachos! You are such a loyal, supportive Dad!
HA HA HA! Thats funny except that I remember MY mom yelling just as much, maybe more, than dad! Anyway...I love your page its so cute! I am still learning how to do all this stuff on here! Love ya!
We cant wait to see our son play basketball, football & baseball games. But I have a feeling Lane will be a little intense at his games and make a scene! (He told me he almost got kicked out of one of Ty's games once)
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